Your search matched 1 words and 22 sentences.
Search Terms: 纏める*, まとめる*

Dictionary results(showing 1 results)

Ichidan verb, transitive verb
to collect, to put (it all) together, to integrate, to consolidate, to unify(usually kana)
to summarize, to aggregate(usually kana)
to bring to a conclusion, to finalize, to settle, to put in order(usually kana)
to establish, to decide(usually kana)

Sentence results (showing 1-10 of 22 results)

I have a newspaper clipping file

I must put my ideas together before I take up a pen

I collected this proposal

He hastily packed his bags

There points can be brought under the same heading

It sums up the situation pretty well

I must put my ideas together before I take up a pen

The roses on exhibition are grouped together by colors

I'll try to shape my ideas into a book

I must put my ideas together before I take up my pen
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